I thought I would use this to post a journal of quilts I have done.
Starting with my favorite; "Bear in the Woods"
We were in Branson, MO staying at our timeshare. When we found out there were a couple of quilt stores in the area. Bought a quilt over by the trout farm, and went to see another by the Imax. But the real fun was visiting Quilt shops who sold patterns and fabrics!
My husband was standing admiring a quilt that was made on display, it was gorgeous! I just had to make one! He readily agreed and together we collected fabric for the quilt! It was a fun and bonding. A lady at the store in Branson told me about making a sheet up on the computer listing the different patterns of the quilt blocks with a square next to each. As I collected fabrics I could attach a piece of fabric, that way I could match the next bunch of fabrics I would purchase and they would go well together. I bought most at the shop where I purchased the pattern. There was also another page added; a picture of an applique bear, this really made the quilt.
A few years later, I went back to discover one that was for sale, they had it marked at $1500! Next time I went back they had a new one marked at more. Okay, it took me a while to get up the nerve to make it! It was a challenge! But, one year I decided to just do it! After many hours and yes even bloody fingers (okay I hate using thimbles, lacks the "feel"). It is finished and on my bed. Unfortunately, one of the grandkids found a pen and wrote on it. After a sunken heart, I never gave up and finally found something that would take out the ink! After that, I was scared to display it! Another quilt lays on top of it! I put a lot of love into that quilt!
But, then, I prefer doing quilts because of my heart; it tells me to do certain quilts, then I put my heart into making the quilt. This is why I don't do special order quilts, I only do the ones that speaks to my heart.
Beautiful Quilt...love the colors...